Our Beliefs
We believe in the power of a good day at the beach to refresh the spirit and challenge the mind and body.
We believe in the power of outdoor activities.
We believe in the health attributes that people get by being active in the sun and water.
We believe that a clean environment is necessary to enjoy these activities.
We believe that safety in the work place is necessary for a healthy life style.
We believe that the challenges to keep the earth clean can be achieved by innovation using the energy of sunlight and the power of water.
We believe that the sun and water are essential to life.
We exist because of the need to balance the environment, safety, technology and the human desire to push the frontiers of innovation.
We exist because environmental laws have created opportunities that can be met with innovative and creative research and development.
We exist because we have developed experiences and innovations based on UV technology and water based formulations in coatings and composites.
We exist because we believe that we can develop a safer work environment.